Japanese Salad Dressings

Salad with just olive oil and salt is delicious enough, but sometimes it is fun to make dressings!  I will introduce how to make some Japanese dressings today. All are easy, so you can make it immediately!

Wafu-ginger dressing

     ∴ What you need ...∴

  • Bio soya sauce -70cc
  • Sesami sauce- TBS ( Table spoon) 1
  • Olive oil- TBS 1
  • Natural mirin- TBS 1
  • Vineger- TBS 1
  • Sesami- tsp 1
  • Ginger- tsp1
  • Garic- a little bit
  • Salt- a little bit

 ∴ Method ∴

Grate the ginger and the garlic and mix all the ingredients.

 Carrots and Onion dressing

  ∴What you need ..∴

  • Carrots- 1/2
  • Onion 1/5
  • Vinegar- TBS 3
  • Olive oil tsp 2
  • Salt and black pepper - a little bit


Grate the carrot and the onion and mix all the ingredients.

Black vinegar and Japanese plum umeboshi dressing

  • What you need ...
  • Black vinegar- TBS 4
  • Natural mirin- TBS 2
  • Soya sauce-TBS 1
  • Plum umeboshi -1
  • Onion-tsp 1
  • Salt and pepper and honey- a little bit


Chop the onion and plum and mix all the ingredients.

Bonne soirée ;)

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