【How to make authentic Japanese miso soup】by Radha

Today I am going to guide you on how to make authentic miso soup and how to choose types of miso.

You might be wondering why Miso soup? 

Isn't it easy to make it? 

The answer is, yes! 

It is easy to make it. But believe or not, I often get asked by foreign friends that 'how do you make Japanese miso soup, can you teach me? ' 

' I love Miso soup! But I have only had it at sushi restaurants.' 

 So today, I am going to introduce you how to make basic miso soup. 

 There are two keys to making a bowl of good miso soup, one is to bring a good flavor of dashi, the second is to use different seasonal vegetables. 

The authentic miso soup is made with wakame and Tofu, but there are heaps of different varieties to make miso soup, for example, potato + onion miso soup, nameko+ Tofu, eggplant + potato miso soups are also commonly enjoyed at home.

 And the next question comes.

How about types of miso? 

Because they are so many different types of miso at the supermarket and I don't know which ones to choose.

Here is the answer, traditionally red miso is often used in the summertime as it has a light flavor and white one is used in winter as it has a more rich flavor, you can also mix this miso if you like. I wrote more details of miso here if you wish to know about it. 

 And about dashi is here.

 Let's get started to make traditional Japanese miso soup!


 Serves 2 

  •  1/4 Tofu ( Soft one) 
  •  2 g Dried Wakame, 
  •  1/2 Spring onion 25 g /
  •  about 2 and a half tbs Miso ( no- GMO) 
  •  400ml water 
  •  1 pack of Dashi

 *400 ml Dashi stock for vegetarians, you can make dashi with Konbu and dried Shiitake Recipe of miso soup   

 1. Soak Wakeme in cold water for 5 minutes, or hot water for 1 minute. Drain, 

 2. Dice the tofu and set aside. 

 3. Put the Dashi stock or vegan/ vegetarian dashi in a saucepan at medium heat and bring it to boil.

 4. Add all the ingredients into the saucepan apart from Tofu. ( Tofu will be added to keep not to break the nice shapes. ) and cook for a few minutes. 

 5 Turn the heat off and add miso paste. 

 6. Add the Tofu and spring onions. Bon appétit!

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